Monday 1st November 2021
FoOL Newsletter - October 2021
Our crowdfunding ended at 9am this morning with a final total of £60,711 and 876 unique supporters. We hit our target of £53,000 five days before the campaign finished. At that time, the ‘stretch’ target of £65,000 was activated. Thanks to all of you, we honed in on that target too! We shall be contacting each of you very shortly about your rewards.
The extra funds raised will provide a larger contingency fund should any issues be encountered during Phase 1 of the project. We hope this is not the case! Should no unforeseen challenges be encountered, the additional monies shall be carried forward into future phases. This shall allow us to bring the project to fruition sooner.
We are, of course, ecstatic to have not only hit the target but surpassed it by some margin. We cannot thank you all enough. From the smallest pledge to the largest they have all made a difference. Every business who pledged, donated a reward or hosted our banners contributed. Each person who engaged with our social media posts - and therefore increased the ‘reach’ - made a difference. The volunteers who delivered flyers on our behalf played their part. From each of you who spoke to others about our campaign and raised awareness; to the organisations that pledged considerable sums; you all deserve to share in the success. However, this is not Friends of Otley Lido’s success. It is success for our community and the wider area.
Finally crossing the line was an overwhelming joy and a huge relief! However, it was built on the foundations of the thousands of people who have supported us - not just during the crowdfunding campaign but also throughout our existence. This feat was not achieved in 6 weeks of crowdfunding. It was hard won over the course of nearly 6 years!
Many of our supporters have stuck by us through some challenging times when it seemed that this day would never come. You helped us previously raise £12,000 through various fundraising events and grants. We haven’t forgotten how important your support has been over the years!
Many of you may not be aware that Otley Town Council and Otley BID each provided a grant of £500 in 2016 to erect hoarding to secure the lido site - and improve the riverside aspect - after the wall collapsed during the Boxing Day floods in 2015. Further, the town council also pledged the last £5,000 towards the Phase 1 costs back in 2017 and reaffirmed that original pledge so it could be added to the crowdfunding campaign. Otley Lions Club made a very generous donation as part of the President's Project for 2016/17 - thank you Gareth Dibble. Otley Chamber of Trade and Otley BID both helped us build relationships with businesses over a number of years. Leeds City Council offered a 125 year lease at nil rent on the lido site back in 2016. These examples of long-term support are testament to the organisations, businesses and individuals involved. They also provide a glimpse of what FoOL has been undertaking over a number of years.
Whilst now is the time to celebrate the success of the crowdfunding campaign - and also a very exciting period - it is also a time to reflect. We would ask all of you to be patient. Please do not expect to see people on the site tomorrow carrying out studies and surveys - it shall take a little longer!
Our organisation has learned a tremendous amount during this campaign. We also have a number of things we need to follow up now we have more time to dedicate to other matters. We must be thorough in our planning and judicious in our decision-making. Our next steps also include further engagement with our community – we are listening to you and shall continue to do so!
We intend to keep you updated every step of the way through our website and social media. We shall also hold community engagement events so you can discuss the project with us, provide input and feedback, and express any concerns you may have. Subscribe to our email list (you can do this at the bottom of the page) and follow us on social media to receive the latest news and updates.
Crowdfunder Review
We believe the crowdfunding demonstrated what we can achieve as an organisation and as a community. Individuals, businesses, organisations, councils, prominent people, politicians – the whole community (and beyond) uniting to bring about positive change. We are so grateful to everyone for getting behind the project.
We were really heartened and energised when Sport England pledged £10,000 as part of the ‘Activate Your Space’ scheme. To have a major funding body recognise the value of our project to our community was satisfying and humbling. When it pledged another £3,500 we were completely surprised and blown away!
We were so grateful to receive both pledges but the feedback we received was just as valuable and heart-warming. FoOL Funding Lead, Sarah Langli, conveyed this at the time: “Sport England has been so massively impressed with our campaign - on all levels - that they have committed another £3,500. We received praise regarding the number of supporters; the range and number of businesses who are pledging rewards; the endorsements from prominent people and councils; the press coverage; and our own social media posts”. Sport England responded not only to what we were doing, but also to what you – our community – were saying and doing in a variety of ways to support our campaign.
However, we didn’t get everything right. At the start of the campaign we had difficulties processing in a timely manner the rewards businesses and individuals were offering. As an organisation we learned and adapted. It became a slick process from initial contact to the reward being added to the Crowdfunder page. Thank you to everyone who donated a reward – what great rewards they were both in terms of quality and variety!
Before the crowdfunding started we identified areas for improvement and took the necessary action. The website was overhauled to make it simpler and more functional (especially on mobile devices) whilst the content was updated and expanded. We also reviewed our methods of communication and our social media strategy. We believe this has resulted in positive change and intend to continue to build on these improvements.
Prior to commencing the crowdfunding Alistair Brownlee, Alex Sobel MP, Baroness (Judith) Blake of Leeds, Leeds City Council, Otley Town Council, Otley BID and Otley Chamber of Trade were notable supporters. The campaign provided both the platform and opportunity for us to actively engage with various organisations and individuals and we were able to add Sport England, Mayor Tracy Brabin and Rachel Reeves MP to our list of prominent supporters. Our project needs the backing of as many people as possible. It also bring benefits beyond Otley. Therefore, we shall continue to expand our scope as we engage and consult in order to secure the wider support necessary to bring you a lido.
During crowdfunding we also moved our relationships with businesses on to another level with the help of Otley BID and Otley Chamber of Trade. Businesses supported our campaign by pledging, providing rewards, hosting our banners and displaying and distributing flyers advertising our campaign. Over 60 businesses were directly involved and we are grateful to all of you:
3xa Design
Andrew Hillas Properties
Asda (Otley)
Aura Jewellery
Baxter Logs
Bondgate Bakery
Brodie Cashmere
Buttercups Play Centre
Catapult Films
Club Energy
Courtyard Planters
Cutting Crew
Echelon Coffee Roasters
Etempa Web Solutions
Fika North
Flinn Architecture
Galley Decorators
Gifted Angel
Halo Hair Design
Hammond & Son
Headlush Hair & Beauty
Houldsworth & Sons
Ivy House
J.B. Wilkinson & Sons
Landguard Pest Control
Laura Alice
Like Nana Did
Little Munchkins
Michelle Hodgson
Milk Bar Café & Deli
Mosaic Mania
Nickie James
Otley Boats
Otley RUFC
Patisserie Viennoise
Print Crew
Puffin Pottery
S.H.E. Holistics
Sainsbury’s (Otley)
Shadow Brewing
Sift Cafe & Bakery
Soma Wellness
SR Kitchens & Bathrooms
Sylvia Too
Tate Oil
Tatton Settled Estates
The Art Works
The Bookshop on the Square
The Donut Shop
The Happy Little Gift Shop
Wharfedale Tutors
White House Distillery
White House Gin
Woolpack Studios
Yorkshire Fixing Solutions
Zeppo Creative
Our thanks also go the businesses who have supported us previously. The businesses above shall be added to these shortly. We understand that Covid-19 has made the economic situation more turbulent and that in these circumstances not every business was able to support us at this time.
Our campaign really seemed to strike a chord with both the public and the media. We are grateful to the latter for its considerable interest which culminated in a feature on BBC Look North on Tuesday 26th October. Cathy Killick reported from the lido site as Alistair Brownlee MBE - Double Olympic Champion (Triathlon - 2012,2016) and FoOL supporter - made a personal appearance to support our campaign.
The Wharfedale Observer and the Yorkshire Post comprehensively covered our campaign from the launch - with Baroness (Judith) Blake of Leeds, Alex Sobel MP (Leeds North West) and Cllr Richard Hughes (Chair, Otley Town Council) - right through to our celebrations after reaching our target.
Additionally, national and local media including the BBC News website, BBC Radio Leeds, Leeds TV, Telegraph & Argus, Greatest Hits Radio, Triathlon Today and Your Harrogate also covered our story.
One of the additions we shall be making to our website shortly is a page dedicated to media coverage. We believe it will be a useful addition and a great one-stop shop for media coverage of Otley lido and our organisation.
Grants – Otley BID & Otley Chamber of Trade
Aside from our crowdfunding we have also been progressing a small number of other items. Last week we announced two grants - Otley BID (Business Improvement District) kindly provided a grant of £5,000 and Otley Chamber of Trade provided a grant for £1,000.
The BID explained “Otley Business Improvement District is delighted to be able to support the campaign to bring back the Otley Lido. Our board of directors all agreed that the Lido would be a huge benefit in bringing people to the town who would then use the local businesses too. We could tell by the number of businesses pledging goods and services to the campaign that FoOL have the business community of Otley wholeheartedly behind them.”
Similarly, in conveying its support for our project the Chamber said: “Otley Chamber of Trade are delighted to be able to contribute to the funding appeal for the Lido. The Lido will be a great attraction for our town and it will help to make Otley a more attractive place. The land that you are going to be developing has been derelict for far too long and we welcome all your hard work in bringing the Lido back to Otley and helping to keep Otley on the map. We all wish you all the best with this important project”.
Both the BID and the Chamber have assisted us and helped facilitate the building of relationships with businesses over a number of years. This has been invaluable throughout our existence and was critical during the crowdfunding period.
Both shall continue to provide us with on-going help, advice and support in addition to the grants. FoOL Director and Treasurer, Ian Lawson, said “We are so grateful to Otley BID and Otley Chamber of Trade for their grants and continued support. Both organisations have been tremendously supportive over the years and shall be invaluable as we progress our journey. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with both organisations – and the businesses they represent - as we aim to deliver economic benefits to the town in addition to the social, health and well-being benefits.”
The next steps
At the start of this newsletter we asked for your patience as we move forwards. The lido will not happen overnight – it shall take time! The FoOL committee are amongst the most fervent supporters of the project and want to deliver the lido as soon as possible. We can assure you that we will be working hard behind the scenes to progress the project. We know our supporters understand, and shall appreciate, that not everything we do can be publicised due to its delicate and sometimes confidential nature. However, our pledge to you is that we shall keep you updated as fully as possible as we take the next steps.
Finally, thank you everyone. You have all played your part!
Friends of Otley Lido
Sunday 31st October 2021
Crowdfunding campaign: weekly round-up
Thank you all! Because of you, we hit our crowdfunding campaign target of £53,000 on Tuesday evening – over 5 days before the end of our campaign! Our ‘stretch’ target of £65,000 immediately kicked-in. The extra funds raised shall go towards future phases of the project which shall enable us to bring the project to fruition sooner. You can still pledge to our crowdfunding campaign here.
Our total pledges now exceed £60,000 with over 860 unique supporters! This means we are now closer to our ‘stretch’ target than to our original target. An absolutely phenomenal effort from all of you! Why not help us hit the ‘stretch’ target too!?
The last length of our marathon swim saw a sprint finish! BBC Look North aired a feature on both the evening and late night editions on Tuesday. This included an appearance by local sporting hero - and FoOL supporter - Alistair Brownlee MBE (Double Olympic Champion – Triathlon 2012, 2016). Within minutes of the evening edition airing – and pushed on by a tidal wave of support - we sprinted to the finish! We are so grateful to Alistair for his on-going support and for giving us some of his valuable time between training sessions. Our thanks also go to BBC Look North, and its reporter Cathy Killick, for bringing our story to hundreds of thousands of people in our region.
Our project seems to have struck a chord with both the media and the public. As we neared our target - and then swept past it – media interest grew and grew. Just look at this week’s coverage!
BBC Look North (Yorkshire): feature on the Evening News (6:30pm) and an edited version on the Late News (10.30pm) on 26th October. If anyone has a copy of these please email us at
BBC News Website: Otley lido: Triathlete Alistair Brownlee backs reopening plans
BBC Radio Leeds (at 42:48 on the link): Gayle Lofthouse Show (Pete Allison sits in) - 26/10/2021
Yorkshire Post: Otley Lido will re-open to swimmers for the first time in 30 years after crowdfunding campaign raises £53,000
Yorkshire Post Opinion: 'Years of memories': 10 things you said as Otley Lido set to re-open for the first time in 30 years
Telegraph & Argus: Otley Lido crowdfunder hits target
Wharfedale Observer: Otley Lido crowdfunder hits target
Leeds Live: Otley Lido takes huge step towards opening as crowdfunder pays off
Greatest Hits Radio: Otley Lido a step closer to re-opening for first time in 30 years
Triathlon Today: Alistair Brownlee supports campaign to re-open local swimming pool
Your Harrogate: First look at Otley Baths transformation if fundraising campaign is successful

Alistair Brownlee MBE speaks with BBC Look North reporter Cathy Killick at the Otley Lido
Special thanks this week go to:
3xa Design
Alistair Brownlee
Bauer Media
BBC Look North
BBC Radio Leeds
Brodie Cashmere
Flinn Architecture
Headlush Hair & Beauty
Ivy House
J.B. Wilkinson & Sons
Karen (Hammond & Son Building Contractors) & Matt (Galley Decorators)
Laura Alice
Leeds Live
Puffin Pottery
Soma Wellness
Sylvia Too
Tate Oil
Telegraph & Argus
The Happy Little Gift Shop
Yorkshire Post
Wharfedale Observer
We had a FoOL committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday night to plan the last few days of our campaign. As we arrived, there was a combination of overwhelming joy and huge relief as we surged past our target. However, we resolved to finish the campaign as we started it – with 100% commitment and to continue to give our all until 9am on 1st November.
Whilst a combination of Alistair Brownlee and BBC Look North propelled us down the last length, the success was built on the foundations of the thousands of people who have supported us - not just during the crowdfunding campaign but also throughout our existence. We have not forgotten the efforts of, and support from, all of you over the last five years.
Businesses continued to pledge rewards during the week. We want you to be able to benefit from some great offers. We also want the businesses to receive the recognition and thanks they deserve for supporting us. Some rewards are now discounted. So whilst there may not be many hours left, there are still opportunities available to bag yourself a bargain and support us at the same time!
We have thanked Otley BID and Otley Chamber of Trade in every weekly round-up and our thanks go out to them again this week. Both organisations and their respective members have been tremendous every day of the crowdfunding campaign. We could not have done it without them!
We are grateful to this week’s businesses and individuals who offered us rewards:
3xa Design
Robert from the creative, design-led architectural practice kindly offered a home or business improvement consultation.

Brodie Cashmere
The distinctive family-owned British brand - with roots in the heart of Yorkshire - donated a fabulous voucher for £150 off their modern and classic luxury cashmere products.

Flinn Architecture
The local and national family business kindly provided you with the opportunity to receive a design consultation for a domestic extension.

J.B. Wilkinson & Sons
The independent butcher - offering high-quality meat that is mostly locally sourced - donated a 2kg turkey just in time for Christmas!

Karen (Hammond & Son Building Contractors) and Matt (Galley Decorators)
Donated a £1,000 discount voucher for a holiday let in the splendid Reighton House in Filey.

Hammond & Sons
07973 899263 / 01943 467331
Laura Alice
The talented printmaker and artist from Ilkley offered an A3 hand pulled screen print on pale blue paper to brighten up your home or office.

The family run business with both physical shops – including Otley – and an online store gave you the chance to receive a £10 voucher.

Puffin Pottery
The paint your own pottery studio in Otley donated a voucher for pottery painting and subsequent glazing in its onsite kiln.

Soma Wellness
Rachel donated a five class pass so you could experience the tranquil, community driven and inclusive wellness hub that exists in their Otley studio.

Sylvia Too
Multi-talented and qualified massage therapist Sylvia donated a voucher for a free massage in her home treatment room in Otley.

Tate Oil
Andrew from the Yorkshire based, and family run, fuel supplier offered you the chance to receive ten 10 minute jet car washes at their base in Otley.

The Happy Little Gift Shop
Olivia from the Menston based gift shop donated two £20 vouchers so you could enjoy some gorgeous stationery, prints, homeware or Christmas gifts.

Our social media platforms continued to have excellent ‘reach’ and engagement. Our Facebook post announcing we had hit our target has reached over 26,500 people, has nearly 1,000 ‘like’s and ‘love’s, 249 comments and 72 shares! Thank you everyone for helping our social media campaign by engaging with our posts. Please follow us on social media and subscribe via our website ( to receive all the latest updates.
There are only a matter of hours to go now. When we say we have committed to keep going until 9am on Monday 1st November we really do mean it! FoOL Chair, Leonie Sharp, shall be a guest on the Radio Leeds Breakfast Show at 7.50am tomorrow (Monday) morning – a little over an hour before our crowdfunding ends. Tune in to hear what the crowdfunding campaign means for the future of our organisation and - more importantly - to our community.
Friends of Otley Lido
Saturday 30th October 2021
Brodie Cashmere donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Jes at Brodie Cashmere for kindly offering a £150 voucher for any non-sale purchase to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Designed in England and produced in Mongolia. Brodie Cashmere pieces are spun from 100% pure cashmere and have been designed to bring you joy, excitement and comfort for years to come. Their aim is to provide you with luxurious products that are fully sustainable.
They are proud members of the SFA, an organisation that works to improve the impacts of cashmere production in Mongolia.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - are able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.

Saturday 30th October 2021
The Happy Little Gift Shop donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Olivia at The Happy Little Gift Shop for kindly offering two £20 vouchers for her online gift shop to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Born and raised in a little village just outside Ilkley, West Yorkshire, Olivia's passion has always been to run her own gift shop.
Her mission is to bring happiness into your home by sharing her own love of stationery, prints and other joyous gifts. All products are sourced in the UK and they feature many fabulous illustrators who design fun and bright pieces. You will also find their own handmade pieces on the site.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - are able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Friday 29th October 2021
Soma Wellness donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Rachel at Soma Wellness for kindly offering a voucher for a five class pass to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
The vision at ‘Soma’ is to offer a tranquil, community driven and inclusive wellness hub for those wishing to pursue health, happiness and soul searching. Through yoga, dance, movement, meditation and alternative therapies they hope to provide a sanctuary that can be shared and enjoyed by the local community of Otley and beyond.
Soma has long existed in the owners' minds – it just took a lot of meetings, creative vision and shopping trips until they were able to finally create their little studio. They had one main intention – to build a studio that could impact the lives of those living around us. They wanted to create a space whereby people feel warmth as they enter, a space for people to unwind over a post-yoga coffee, a space for children to explore their worlds through learning and movement, and finally a space away from home whereby people could seek that much needed physical and emotional restoration!
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - are able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
"This will be a great asset to our local community and great to see restored."
Friday 29th October 2021
Ivy House donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Diane at Ivy House for kindly offering a £25 voucher to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Ivy House stocks a range of vegan & organic food, natural beauty products, vitamins & supplements, and offer a variety of holistic treatments. Their lovely shop is based in the heart of Otley. This voucher cannot be used for holistic treatments.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - are able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Thursday 28th October 2021
Tate Oil donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Andrew at Tate Oil for kindly offering ten 10 minute jet car washes to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Tate Oil has kindly offered 10 10-minute jet car washes at their base in Otley. So if you’d rather not use a sponge and bucket, why not treat yourselves to a regular jet car wash!?
Tate Oil is a Yorkshire-based fuel supplier specialising in heating oil, diesel, lubricants and additives. With nearly 50 years’ experience, they pride themselves on being the same hard-working, family-run fuel supplier they were back in 1972,. They have started a tree planting scheme with qualifying customers to support the climate change agenda.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - are able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Thursday 28th October 2021
Flinn Architecture donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to John at Flinn Architecture for kindly offering five design consultations for domestic extensions to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
The design consultation will typically include a visit to your house to discuss ideas for extending and improving your home. As part of this package, John will provide you with sketch designs, advise on site specific planning considerations, and help you take the first step in making your dream project a reality.
07815 125515

Flinn Architecture are passionate about property. They understand that our physical environment shapes the way we live and feel.
A home that is open and light, functional and beautiful will enable a richer quality of family life. Equally, neighbourhoods that are carefully designed with variety, safety, sustainability and healthy living at their core will contribute to strong communities and ultimately become places that people are proud to call home.
As a family business with offices in Yorkshire and the Midlands, they work on projects throughout the UK and further afield. Whether you want to realise the potential of your landholding or would simply like to discuss an addition to your family home, they can help you every step of the way.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - are able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Thursday 28th October 2021
Otley Chamber of Trade provides a grant of £1,000
We are extremely grateful to – and delighted to announce that - Otley Chamber of Trade has provided a grant of £1,000.
Otley Chamber of Trade represents 150 members of the business community. It has been instrumental in helping us to establish relationships with businesses over a number of years. The Executive Team at the Chamber has also provided invaluable advice to us at the Friends of Otley Lido. In addition, many of their own businesses have supported us in a multitude of ways. The Chamber’s support has been crucial to us throughout.
In conveying its support for our project the Chamber said: “Otley Chamber of Trade are delighted to be able to contribute to the funding appeal for the Lido. The Lido will be a great attraction for our town and it will help to make Otley a more attractive place. The land that you are going to be developing has been derelict for far too long and we welcome all your hard work in bringing the Lido back to Otley and helping to keep Otley on the map. We all wish you all the best with this important project”.
Prior to us commencing our crowdfunding campaign the Chamber invited us to attend and present to its next meeting. The meeting fell on 21st September 2021 – the second day of our crowdfunding campaign. It provided a great platform to engage with both the Chamber and its members at the beginning of our campaign and contributed to an excellent start.
FoOL Director & Treasurer Ian Lawson explained: “Otley Chamber of Trade has always been a great supporter. It has not only helped us to develop relationships with businesses but also been a fantastic source of advice. Before we commenced our crowdfunding campaign the Chamber invited us to present to its members who immediately offered their support in a multitude of ways. We are extremely grateful that the Chamber has subsequently decided to offer us this substantial grant”.
Wednesday 27th October 2021
Otley BID provides a grant of £5,000
We are absolutely delighted - and ever so grateful - to Otley BID (Business Improvement District) for a grant of £5,000.
Otley BID represents 500 businesses and has been a great supporter of our organisation throughout our existence. It has facilitated and enabled us to build and develop relationships with the business community. This support has been crucial during both the current crowdfunding campaign and over a number of years.
The BID explained: “Otley Business Improvement District is delighted to be able to support the campaign to bring back the Otley Lido. Our board of directors all agreed that the Lido would be a huge benefit in bringing people to the town who would then use the local businesses too. We could tell by the number of businesses pledging goods and services to the campaign that FoOL have the business community of Otley wholeheartedly behind them.”
Back in 2017, Otley BID provided a grant of £500 – matching that of Otley Town Council – so we could erect hoarding at the lido site. This was necessary to both secure the site and improve the riverside aspect after the wall collapsed as a result of the 2015 Boxing Day floods. Thanks to Otley BID and Otley Town Council, we were able to install and paint the hoarding in Tour de Yorkshire colours prior to the commencement of stage 2 of the tour in the town - thus portraying Otley in the best possible light.
The BID has also offered additional on-going support such as business advice. FoOL Director and Treasurer Ian Lawson said “We are ever so grateful to Otley BID for its on-going support. Both the grant and the additional support offered shall be invaluable as we progress our journey. We look forward to working closely with Otley BID – and the businesses it represents - in the future to bring economic benefits to the town in addition to the social, health and well-being benefits”.
Wednesday 27th October 2021
Headlush donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Sarah at Headlush for kindly offering a top to toe pamper session to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Beauty therapist and hair stylist Sarah from Headlush Hair and Beauty by Sarah Jackson has offered a top to toe pamper session - this will include occasion hair-up, an aesthetic facial, gel manicure and gel pedicure. The treatment can take place across two sessions. So, if you’ve got a big day coming up or fancy the ultimate treat, this is the reward for you. It would also make a brilliant gift for a friend, partner or mum.
Sarah is a local beauty therapist who does all things beauty - including massage, dermaplaning, microneedling, manicures and pedicures. She has a passion for dry styling and hair ups.
See some of the amazing things she can do on social media.
Wednesday 27th October 2021
Karen (Hammond & Son Building Contractors) & Matt (Galley Decorators Ltd) donate reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Karen & Matt for kindly offering a discount voucher for £1,000 off a Filey holiday property let to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Reighton House is a stunning Georgian property that sleeps up to 15 adults (2 cots if needed), 6 bedrooms, 3 en suites, spacious kitchen, lounge and games room and a large enclosed garden. This is for new bookings only. You are advised to check out availability before you pledge via the Facebook page.or via the Airbnb page.
Mark Galley Decorators Ltd is a Harrogate-based painting and decorating company and has been established since 1983. they cater for domestic and commercial properties and regularly work with homeowners, landlords and business owners alike. Their services include painting and wallpapering services, as well as exterior property painting for all types of renovation work.
They have experience working with various commercial clients including banks, police stations, airports, BBC media city in Salford and Westfield shopping centre in Stratford, London. Their staff are honest, trustworthy and have cleared security checks for your added peace of mind. They also undertake renovation projects for heritage sites and listed buildings and restore them with care and attention. All their staff are highly skilled and fully trained in Health and Safety and have all the required insurances to work in the painting and decorating business.

07973 899263
01943 467331
Hammond & Son is an Otley based buliding contractors undertaking domestic and commercial work.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Wednesday 27th October 2021
Crowdfunding campaign: £53,000 target hit!
We are absolutely delighted that our crowdfunding campaign has reached the target of £53,000! We are so grateful to everyone who has supported us. However, we would love to go further and have set a 'stretch' target of £65,000. Any extra funds raised will go towards future phases of the project which will enable us to bring the project to fruition sooner!
We still have over 5 days remaining. Businesses have been tremendous - we still have more rewards to add and more being offered. To be fair to businesses - and to you - we shall continue with our campaign. We want businesses to receive the recognition and thanks they deserve for supporting our campaign. We also want you to be able to benefit from the great rewards on offer!
Tuesday 26th October 2021
Puffin Pottery donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Puffin Pottery for kindly offering a voucher for pottery painting to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Puffin Pottery is a paint your own pottery studio in the heart of Otley. They have hundreds of pottery designs to choose from at a range of prices to suit every pocket. They have no studio fees or hidden charges & the price you see is the price you pay. After you have painted your pottery they will glaze it in their onsite kiln and it will be ready to collect in a week.
They have a spacious, accessible studio, and serve hot and cold drinks, cakes, sweets and snacks. Friendly staff are always on hand to give help and advice on how to gain the best results with your painting.
Puffin Pottery is child friendly and buggy accessible plus we have baby changing facilities too.
Booking is advised, please contact by phone 01943 465731 or email to reserve your place.
They also offer a huge range of activities & events from bitrthday parties and child hand and feet prints, to ladies' nights and baby showers.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.

Tuesday 26th October 2021
Artist Laura Alice donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Laura Alice for kindly offering an A3 hand-pulled screen print of a Herring Gull to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Printmaker and artist Laura Alice has kindly offered an A3 hand pulled screen print on pale blue paper. The Herring Gull is printed with a colour blend of bright colours to show the rebellious personality of this sea bird. The picture is unframed. Why not treat yourself or It would make a lovely gift for someone.
Laura Alice is an artist and printmaker based near Ilkley, where she takes inspiration from the bird life on the moor and surrounding areas. She creates vivid, textural images of birds combined with abstract shapes in a variety of media such as screen print, linocut, collage, paint and risograph.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Tuesday 26th October 2021
Sylvia Too donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Sylvia Too for kindly offering a voucher for a free massage to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Multi-talented and qualified massage therapist, Sylvia Too has kindly offered a voucher for a relaxing massage in her home treatment room based in Otley. It’d make a great present or a pre or post Christmas treat.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.

Tuesday 26th October 2021
PlantsDOTcom donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to PlantsDOTcom - the new plant shop in Otley - for kindly offering a £10 voucher to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
PlantsDOTcom is a family run business operating in West Yorkshire with both physical shops and an online presence. The latter was born out of necessity due the Covid-19 pandemic which also brought a boom in the popularity of house plants which hasn't slowed since! PlantsDOTcom now has a larger audience than ever through its online platform and shops.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Tuesday 26th October 2021
J.B. Wilkinson & Sons donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to J.B. Wilkinsons & Sons - the independent butcher - for kindly offering a turkey crown to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Dan from Otley’s Wilkinson butchers has offered a seasonal reward, namely a 2kg (that’s 4.5 lb in old money) turkey breast crown. So why not take the hassle out of that bit of the Christmas dinner, leaving more time to cope with all the rest!
J.B. Wilkinsons & Sons have been in Otley since the 1970s. They sell a variety of excellent high quality meat, most of which is from local sources. All of the products have fully traceable provenance. Consequently using high quality meat suppliers means that you are guaranteed excellent flavour and satisfaction with all our products. They offer traditional butchers meat cuts, but have also developed excellent highly recommended sausages, pies and pre-prepared recipes. These are freshly made every day at their Rawdon HQ.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Tuesday 26th October 2021
3xa Design donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Robert at 3xa Design for kindly offering a home or business improvement consultation to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Robert from 3xa design has offered a home or business improvement consultation. He will bring a professional, thoughtful and imaginative approach to your space or building and can help you realise your ideas and advise on design solutions and strategies. The consultation can last for up to 2 hours and is offered in a 30 mile radius from Otley. You will also receive a followup assessment or report which will include suggestions for a way forward.
3xa Design is a creative, design-led architectural practice based in the world heritage site of Saltaire, West Yorkshire. The practice is led by Robert Blundell, an ARB (Architects Registration Board) registered architect and chartered member of RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects).
3xa Design undertakes a wide range of projects, both large and small, locally in the Yorkshire region and across the U.K.
Services Provided
Accessible Design, Architectural Design, Architectural Drawings, Basement Design, Bathroom Design, Boot Room Design, Building Design, Custom Build Homes, Eco Homes, Floor Plans, Home Renovation, House Extensions, House Plans, Kitchen Design, Space Planning, Sustainable Design, Utility Room Design
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Monday 25th October 2021
Crowdfunding campaign: weekly round-up
Our crowdfunding campaign pledges now exceed £47,000 with over 640 unique supporters! We need less than £6,000 to hit our target.
We have been helped tremendously this week by another 170 unique supporters pledging to our campaign. Every pledge - no matter how big or small - helps us towards our target. Additionally, each pledge also demonstrates community support for our project.
This has been critical in the decisions by Otley Town Council which pledged £5,000 and Sport England which pledged another £3,500 this week in addition to the previous pledge of £10,000. We are so grateful to both for pledges that are potentially crucial to our campaign.
The Wharfedale Observer ran a news feature reporting the support for our project from Mayor Tracy Brabin (Mayor of West Yorkshire) and Alex Sobel MP (Leeds North West) who both encouraged the community to chip in whatever they could to help us realise a great community asset. Read the full news feature here.
We are also grateful to Rachel Reeves MP (Leeds West & Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer) who is supporting our campaign and participated in our social media campaign this week.
Businesses have not let us down either. We added 12 new rewards in a Big Splash Rewards Weekend. We could only do this as a result of the support of businesses and individuals offering us these rewards. Thank you to each and every one of you.
Otley BID and Otley Chamber of Trade continue to support us in building relationships with the business community.
We are continuing to distribute flyers outside of Otley in order to extend our reach and if you can help with this please email us at
Our social media continue to have excellent ‘reach’- helped by each and every person who shares, likes and comments on our posts. Follow us on social media so you can help our campaign and receive notifications when new rewards or news stories are added.
We are grateful to this week’s businesses and individuals who offered us rewards:
Special thanks this week go to:
Alex Sobel MP
Baxter Logs
Cutting Crew
Echelon Coffee Roasters
Etempa Web Solutions
Halo Hair Design
Houldsworth & Sons
Mayor Tracy Brabin
Nickie James
Otley BID
Otley Chamber of Trade
Otley Town Council
Rachel Reeves MP
S.H.E. Holistics
Sport England
Sylvia Too
The Art Works
The Bookshop on the Square
The Donut Shop
White House Distillery
White House Gin
Wharfedale Observer
Woolpack Studios
Baxter Logs
The Huby based second generation family business let you benefit from 12 winter log bundles – this offer was on fire as the bundles were snapped up!
Cutting Crew
Donated five vouchers for haircuts in January 2022 so you can start the New Year either freshly trimmed or with a total restyle.
The Kitchenware and Sugarcraft specialist offered a £20 voucher so you could support a local family run business whilst making something nice!
Echelon Coffee Roasters
Gave you the chance to enjoy a two hour roastery experience for up to three people including tour, demonstration, bean exploration and brewing tutorial.
Halo Hair Design
Donated four vouchers for a cut and blow dry in January 2022 so you can have a timeless classic or something more evocative and ‘out there’.
Etempa Web Solutions
The perfect solution if you want to understand and improve your website is this £60 voucher towards a comprehensive report and one hour consultation.
Houldsworth & Sons
Provided you with opportunity to save money on £200 of insulating rockwool and then to carry on saving through reduced heating bills!
Fika North
The cool, friendly café in Far Headingly donated five £20 vouchers so you could enjoy a Swedish-style coffee culture experience.
Nickie James
Five deals for a two night stay in a lovely Otley town centre apartment plus English breakfast and a meal voucher for a pub in town.
01943 465728
S.H.E. Holistics
Offered a combined reiki and chakra balancing treatment at its lovely Otley treatment room.
The Art Works
A donation of two £50 vouchers towards the cost of framing from the Otley specialist in custom and bespoke framing.
White House Distillery
A locally crafted bottle of Hammered Coin Spice Rum (70cl) with finest ginger spice and pineapple fruits, giving their spiced rum spirit a real Caribbean kick.
Sift Cafe & Bakery
Donated a scrummy box of home-made brownies - white chocolate and raspberry or kinderella (hazelnut) – to enjoy at home with a cuppa or drink or your choice!
Sylvia Too
Kindly offered a free commission for an unframed A3 painted portrait based on a photograph so you don’t need to sit for the painting.
The Bookshop on the Square
Donated a £30 voucher so you can snuggle up as winter draws in and have a good read, or alternatively buy cards and wrap for that special occasion.
The Donut Shop
The Otley online and wholesale donut company offered two vouchers for delivery of delightful and delicious donuts which includes vegan options.
White House Gin
A locally crafted bottle of London Dry Gin (70cl) was offered so you could enjoy a vibrant and smooth gin with a determined dry finish.
Woolpack Studios
This offer sounds really good (pun intended!) since you can benefit from a range of studio experiences at the Otley community music studio.
If you are a business and want to support our campaign please check out our dedicated page.
If you are able to host our 2m x 1m banners please contact us at
We’re on the final length in our marathon swim. We can see the touch pad on the wall at the far end of the pool. However, we know there is still that final length to go and we shall keep working hard to ensure we get there and hit our target!
Friends of Otley Lido
Saturday 23rd October 2021
White House Distillery donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Nick at White House Distillery for kindly offering a locally crafted bottle of Hammered Coin Spiced Rum (70cl) to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Nick from Otley based White House Distillery has offered a locally crafted bottle of Hammered Coin Spiced Rum (70cl). The rum spirit is blended at their distillery here in Otley with the finest ginger spice and pineapple fruits, giving their spiced rum spirit a real Caribbean kick, a revolution against the bland! It would make a lovely Christmas present or treat yourself.
Only available to 18 plus.
White House Distillery are an artisan small batch producer. The magic happens at their distillery situated on the banks of the River Wharfe in Yorkshire. The meticulous attention to detail of their distiller (Nick), combined with their state-of-the-art distillery create consistently excellent spirits.
Read their fascinating story at
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Sunday 24th October 2021
Sift Cafe & Bakery donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Sift for kindly offering a box of home-made brownies - in two flavours - to support our crowdfunding campaign.So you can decide if you prefer the white chocolate and raspberry or kinderella (hazelnut). Full details available here.
Sift is a fully vegetarian cafe & bakery located in the beautiful market town of Otley, West Yorkshire, about 10 miles from Leeds and 8 miles from Bradford. They are located in a beautiful bright green Grade II listed former bank, complete with their very own vault!
They make all of their beautiful cakes in-house, from the best possible ingredients, including local butter and eggs, Callebaut chocolate, and British sugar where possible. Bread is also sourced locally, from Bondgate Bakery here in Otley, and they get all their fruit, veg and eggs from Simon & Becky on the market.
They also have a very carefully curated selection of art prints, cards and gift items for sale in the shop. They are not currently accepting submissions for new items to sell or display.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Sunday 24th October 2021
Sylvia Too donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Sylvia Too for kindly offering a free commission for an A3 unframed painted portrait to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Local artist Sylvia Too works from photographs so you won’t need to sit for the painting. The picture will be A3 size and unframed, although Sylvia can arrange for framing for an additional cost. So if you’ve ever fancied a portrait of yourself or someone else, this is the reward for you.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Sunday 24th October 2021
The Bookshop on the Square donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Sara from The Bookshop on the Square for kindly offering a £30 voucher to support our crowdfunding campaign. It can’t be used to buy book tokens but there is a brilliant range of books, cards and reading related gifts. Full details available here.
An independent bookshop in Otley selling a fabulous range of titles, some at discounted prices, but always fabulous quality. They also sell design-led gifts, greetings cards and wrap.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Sunday 24th October 2021
Nickie James donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Nickie James for kindly offering her lovely Otley town centre apartment to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Stay for 2 -5 nights in a lovely Otley town centre apartment - sleeps up to 5 adults or 4 adults and 2 kids. Cot is also available. Towels and linen are provided. Booking is limited to Mon-Thurs but can be extended. English breakfast and a meal voucher for a pub in town included. Call 07812 741719 to check dates before making your pledge. TV, equipped kitchen and towels and linen are provided. Read the full story here.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.

Saturday 23rd October 2021
White House Distillery donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Nick at White House Distillery for kindly offering a locally crafted bottle of London Dry Gin (70cl) to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Nick from Otley based White House distillery has offered a locally crafted bottle of London Dry Gin (70cl). The gin is vapour infused in our still, using carefully selected botanicals, topped with a hint of home grown hops – a nod to Otley’s legendary pub culture. It is described as vibrant and smooth with a determined dry finish. Read their fascinating story at
Only available to 18 plus.
White House Gin are an artisan small batch producer. The magic happens at their distillery situated on the banks of the River Wharfe in Yorkshire. The meticulous attention to detail of their distiller (Nick), combined with their state-of-the-art distillery create consistently excellent spirits.

FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Saturday 23rd October 2021
Woolpack Studios donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Woolpack Studios for kindly offering a range of studio experiences to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
The Woolpack Music Studio have kindly offered the following packages for you plus a friend. Choose from
A 4 hour studio recording session with sound engineer
2 x 2 hour Ableton Live (music production) tutorials
4 x 1 hour instrumental lessons (guitar, ukulele, bass, sax, clarinet, keyboards)
4 hour jam with Jen and Richard. Work on your own songs or your favourite covers- they will back you on drums, bass, guitar, keys, sax- as you wish!
Woolpack Studios is a community music studio and rehearsal space in the centre of Otley run by Richard Sabey and Jennifer Pugh. It has a broad timetable of regular local sessions including a community choir, the infamous Otley Ukelele Orchestra, a music social club and offer a range of additional classes and sessions for both young people and adults.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Saturday 23rd October 2021
Halo Hair Design donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Helen at Halo Hair Design for kindly offering four vouchers for a cut and blow dry in 2022 to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Fancy a new hair cut in the New Year? Helen from Otley’s Halo salon has offered a voucher for a cut and blow dry. They are so busy up to Christmas that Helen has asked that the voucher is not used until sometime in the New Year. Grab yourself a bargain and a new look for the new year.
Halo is a fresh and modern salon, with the style and chic feel of a classic hairdressers. The experienced staff will welcome you with a warm smile and work with you to create your perfect look; from a timeless classic to something more evocative and "out there".
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Sunday 23rd October 2021
Houldsworth & Sons donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Richard at Houldsworth & Sons for kindly offering £200 of insulating rockwool to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Save heat, save money and save the planet! Richard from Otley’s Houldsworth & Sons has kindly pledged £200 worth of insulating rockwool. Approximately 50sq.m (depending on the thickness) which is suitable for an average 3 bedroom house. Delivery is included and additional amounts can be purchased if necessary.

01943 465728
Basil Houldsworth & Sons was started in 1962 by its namesake in a small rented workshop off Pool Road. They started with just a bag of hand tools for equipment and a motorbike and sidecar for transport but it has prospered and grown over the past 50 years. The company's workforce and fleet of vans now operate from a much larger site off Leeds Road. It is still very much a family affair featuring four generations of Houldsworths.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Saturday 23rd October 2021
Echelon Coffee Roasters donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Ben at Echelon for kindly offering a roastery experience - for up to three people - to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
The roastery experience will last around one and a half to 2 hours and be based at Echelon in Leeds 7. Included is a tour of the roastery, demonstration of how the process works, exploring the origins of different coffee beans and a coffee brewing tutorial. You will get to taste the different coffees and a bag of coffee to bring home. This is for up to 3 people.
"Otley really needs more healthy communal activity options to promote mental and physical wellbeing. The lido would be a great addition."
Founded in 2018 in Leeds, Echelon is a small, speciality coffee roaster. Their goal is to ensure that all the hard work and dedication that the farmers in coffee-producing regions put into growing an exceptional product is fully expressed in your cup.
They work with coffee importers that adhere to the very highest ethical standards, with full traceability down to the level of individual households and smallholders.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Saturday 23rd October 2021
Cutting Crew donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Barham at Cutting Crew for kindly offering five vouchers for haircuts to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Cutting Crew - based in Kirkgate in Otley - has offered five vouchers for free haircuts in January 2022. Your chance to start the new year with a fresh trim or a total restyle!
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Saturday 23rd October 2021
S.H.E. Holistics donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Julia at S.H.E. Holistics for donating a combined reiki and chakra balancing treatment, at her lovely tratment room in Otley, to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
S.H.E. Holistics in Otley offer a range of complementary therapies to aid you in achieving a state of happiness and wellbeing. Their practitioners have 15 years of experience, are fully qualified Reiki masters and also have VTCT Level 3 in Swedish Massage. Read the full story here.
FoOL is a community initiative and the community are rallying round! If you - or your business - is able to donate a reward please visit our dedicated page here.
Saturday 23rd October 2021
Baxter Logs donates reward to support crowdfunding campaign
We are grateful to Baxter Logs for donating 12 winter log bundles to support our crowdfunding campaign. Full details available here.
Baxter Logs has offered a great winter log bundle which includes a barrow bag of locally sourced, seasoned hardwood logs, 2 bags of heat logs (compressed briquettes), 2 bags of twizzlers (natural firelighters) and a bag of kindling. All this for £50. Please note the bundle will need to be collected by 11/12/21 but will fit in a car. See website for product information.